[IGSTK-Developers] Re: ITK Logger Bug

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Tue May 15 15:57:12 EDT 2007

Hi Luis,

The error message is because the strftime() function doesn't recognize 
the "%R" format.

If you could change the itkLoggerBase.cxx line 77, the format string to:

"%b %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S"

This function call will work. and it will output a string look like this:

May 15, 2007, 15:53:54

Thank you,


Luis Ibanez wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> Thanks for pointing this out.
> Andinet is in vacations this week.
> We should be able to fix the submissions
> from his machine (Tigris) early next week.
>   Thanks
>      Luis
> ----------------------
> Patrick Cheng wrote:
>> Hi Luis,
>> I am trying to update the ITK on the windows build machine here, so we 
>> can see the results on dashboard.
>> I noticed that most of the tests on "tigris.­kitware" failed in the 
>> past few days. The version of the ITK on that machine is May 11, 2007, 
>> I think it does not take the fix of the missing "break", so it's 
>> calling the itksys::SystemTools::GetCurrentDateTime("%Y %b %d %R %S"), 
>> which causes most of the tests to fail.
>> We should:
>> 1. update the ITK code on all build machines
>> 2. add a test case in IGSTK,
>>    SetTimeStampFormat( itk::LoggerBase::HUMANREADABLE );
>>    So we can see whether this new feature works or not.
>> Could you help take a look at this?
>> Thank you,
>> Patrick
>> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>>> Hi Patrick,
>>> Thanks for pointing this out.
>>> You are right, "break"s were missing
>>> from the switch statement.
>>> A fix has been committed now.
>>> A test case was added to itkLoggerTest.cxx.
>>> I couldn't reproduce the problem you reported
>>> with the Exception. Maybe we should experiment
>>> with other combinations of the format string.
>>>    Luis
>>> -----------------------
>>> Patrick Cheng wrote:
>>>> Hi Luis,
>>>> Thank you for the fix. However I found two problems:
>>>> 1) in itkLoggerBase.cxx line 73, there should be a "break"
>>>> 2) My system doesn't seem to support this call:
>>>>    itksys::SystemTools::GetCurrentDateTime("%Y %b %d %R %S");
>>>>    It throws an exception as in attached image.
>>>> Patrick
>>>> Luis Ibanez wrote:
>>>>> Hi Patrick,
>>>>> 1)  Thanks for pointing out this bug in ITK.
>>>>>     A fix has now been committed for it.
>>>>> 2) The functionality of writing out the time
>>>>>    in a human-readable format has also been
>>>>>    added to the itkLoggerBase class. You will
>>>>>    have to update your ITK checkout in order
>>>>>    to get this functionality.
>>>>>    You should call in your logger the method:
>>>>>       logger->SetTimeStampFormat( itk::LoggerBase::HUMANREADABLE );
>>>>>    to get the time stamp in the format
>>>>>    year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds.
>>>>>    or you could call
>>>>>       logger->SetTimeStampFormat( itk::LoggerBase::REALVALUE );
>>>>>    in order to get the standard behavior, printing the
>>>>>    time stamp in milliseconds.
>>>>> If you have a chance,
>>>>> please give it a try and let us know if you find any problem.
>>>>>     Thanks
>>>>>        Luis
>>>>> --------------------
>>>>> Patrick Cheng wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Luis and Andinet,
>>>>>> There is a minor bug in itkLoggerBase.cxx line 62
>>>>>> I believe the third string should be "CRITICAL" instead of "ERROR" 
>>>>>> according to the enum.
>>>>>> Could you guys also add the feature of logging formated time early 
>>>>>> next week? I really appreciate it.
>>>>>> 4989 igstkLogMacro() & TimeStamp should output time in brokendown 
>>>>>> date/time, instdead of milliseconds. Have both options, 
>>>>>> milliseconds for easy computation, and broken down time for 
>>>>>> readability
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> Patrick
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 

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