[IGSTK-Developers] Problem adding and removing MeshObjectRepresentation to ViewNew3D

Torleif Sandnes torleif.sandnes at sintef.no
Thu Nov 8 05:21:23 EST 2007


I have tried to use igstk::MeshObjectRepresentation in my  
application, but I have encountered some problems using it:

1. I first load the meshobject and set up the representation. In a  
separate operation initiated by the user, I add the representation to  
the view. It seems I have to do the add operation twice to show the  
loaded mesh.

2. When I remove the meshobject from the view, I cannot add it back  
to the view no matter how many times I perform RequestAddObject on  
the View.

Can anybody explain why this happens?
Am I doing something wrong, or does the problem lie in the mesh  
representation object?

I have attached a minimal example that shows the behaviour I describe.
Note that this example is built against a slightly old version of the  


Torleif Sandnes

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