[IGSTK-Developers] FW: [IGSTK-Users] plans for the flockofbirds refactoring?

Kevin Cleary cleary at isis.georgetown.edu
Wed Apr 2 08:26:35 EDT 2008

Andinet, Patrick:


What do you think?


Do we know who this developer is and his affliation?


If he is a good programmer, it would be great to support him and get the
FlockofBirds Tracker added this way


Others are welcome to comment




From: igstk-users-bounces at public.kitware.com
[mailto:igstk-users-bounces at public.kitware.com] On Behalf Of sebastian ordas
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 10:41 PM
To: igstk-users at public.kitware.com
Subject: [IGSTK-Users] plans for the flockofbirds refactoring?


Dear team,

Before last DEC-JAN refactoring, I used to play quite a lot with the
examples and started working on a brain biopsy application.
I bought  the FlockOfBirds tracker which is, by far, the cheapest compliant
solution for IGSTK and managed to start using it. I had some trouble with
the pivot calibration though...but things seemed to start working.

During the refactoring I stopped working because the Sandbox was, logically,
quite unstable.

Now I would like to continue, so what are your plans for the FOB? Are you
planning to keep the compliance in IGSTK 3.0? Do you think it would be too
difficult to me to adapt the old classes to the new version?

please let me know any thoughts on this regard and thanks a lot for the
great work,


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