[IGSTK-Developers] IGSTK User Group Meeting Announcement & Strategic Planning

Patrick Cheng cheng at isis.georgetown.edu
Tue Dec 9 23:14:59 EST 2008

Hi IGSTK Developers,

Below is the formal announcement of the user group meeting in SPIE 2009.

We will also move our traditional Georgetown planning meeting to Orlando 
this time. The current plan is to run it right after the user group 
meeting, but I am open for suggestion. I will make a final announcement 
after getting your feedbacks later this month, so you can plan your 
travel accordingly.

Thank you,


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that we will host the first IGSTK user group 
meeting in conjunction with SPIE 2009 in Orlando, FL.  This event will 
be a great opportunity for the community to get together and share their 

If you have been using IGSTK or used it before, we encourage you to come 
to this event and present your work to the community.  Each presenter 
will have 20 min (plus 10 min Q&A) to talk about his experience with 
IGSTK and issues/problems/suggestions etc.  If you want to sign up for a 
slot, please send me an email with your personal information, 
affiliation, and a short description of your work.

Detailed schedule of this meeting can be found on our wiki page:

NOTE: this event is not sponsored by SPIE and there is NO registration fee.

Thank you,

The IGSTK Developers Team

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