[IGSTK-Developers] SPIE 2009 abstract submission due July 28

Kevin Cleary cleary at isis.georgetown.edu
Sat Jun 28 04:32:30 EDT 2008

Hi everyone:


Hard to think about another conference when we are just finishing the CARS
conference in Barcelona today, but the due date for the 2009 SPIE Medical
Imaging Conference is July 28 (a little earlier this year)


Abstract submission deadlines can be found at




In past years, the informatics track has accepted over 90% of the
submissions and so this is a good chance to get something published,
although I am not sure we have anything new enough (we published the frame
grabber design last year at SPIE if I recall and we just published the
tracker redesign in IJCARS)


One possibility is for Sebastian to write an abstract on the development of
the demo application he is working on - we would need to complete the
application and show some phantom results for this so I will discuss this
with him


Let me know if anyone has any other ideas - I would like to at least have
one paper on IGSTK each year at SPIE








Kevin Cleary, Ph.D.                       Work phone: 202-687-8253

Associate Professor                       Work fax: 202-784-3479

Acting Director 

Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center

Department of Radiology                   Pager: 202-901-2033

Georgetown University Medical Center      Cell phone: 202-294-3409

2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603          Home phone: 301-299-0788

Washington, DC, 20007                     Home fax: 301-299-0789


ISIS center:  <http://www.isis.georgetown.edu/> www.isis.georgetown.edu 

Research group:  <http://www.caimr.georgetown.edu/> www.caimr.georgetown.edu

WashCAS:  <http://www.washcas.org/> www.washcas.org 

Email:  <mailto:cleary at georgetown.edu> cleary at georgetown.edu 





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