[IGSTK-Developers] Fwd: [Na-mic-project-week] Call for Abstracts for 5th Image Guided Therapy Workshop, September 21, 2012, Boston, MA

Stephen Aylward stephen.aylward at kitware.com
Tue Jul 31 10:25:07 EDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tina Kapur" <tkapur at bwh.harvard.edu>
Date: Jul 30, 2012 11:35 PM
Subject: [Na-mic-project-week] Call for Abstracts for 5th Image Guided
Therapy Workshop, September 21, 2012, Boston, MA
To: <igtws at bwh.harvard.edu>, <na-mic-project-week at na-mic.org>


Additional oral presentations will be selected from abstract submissions.

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of Drs. Ferenc Jolesz and Clare Tempany, I would like to invite
you to submit abstracts for the Fifth Image-Guided Therapy workshop
sponsored by the National Center for Image Guided Therapy (NCIGT), the
Neuroimage Analysis Center (NAC) and the National Institutes of Health
(NIH). The workshop will be held on September 21, 2012 in the Joseph B.
Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston.

The goal of this workshop is to learn about state of the art and future
trends in image guided interventions. The program for this workshop
includes a single track of scientific talks by thought-leaders in the
field, as well as a poster session. The oral presentations will be a
combination of invited talks and those selected from submitted abstracts.
The posters will be selected from the abstract submissions.

The overall goal of this workshop series is to asses the current needs and
opportunities in the field of image-guided interventions and NCIGT’s role
as a national center in relation to the greater IGT community. Similar to
previous workshops in this series, we expect attendance by the members of
the academia, industry, and federal agencies interested in the field of
image-guided interventions.

Call for Abstracts

Prospective attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts describing their
research in image-guided therapy for consideration for oral and poster
presentations at the workshop. Please note that the abstracts will be
published in a workshop proceedings and made available publicly on the
workshop website, so please do not submit material that is not ready for
public dissemination.

Authors should include Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), and four sections:
Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusions, identified by bold headers.
Abstracts should be 1 page, submitted in acrobat pdf format, with 0.7-inch
margins in size 11 Ariel Font.  Images in abstracts are encouraged. All
submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and assigned to
either poster or oral presentation. Abstract should be submitted at this
website: https://www.easychair.org/**conferences/?conf=**ncigtworkshop2012<https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ncigtworkshop2012>

Important Dates

August 6, 2012: Abstract Submission Deadline
August 15, 2012: Author Notification

Details for the workshop are available at: http://www.ncigt.org/pages/**
IGT_Workshop_2012 <http://www.ncigt.org/pages/IGT_Workshop_2012>

Please let us know if you have questions.

Best Regards,
Tina Kapur, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Image Guided Therapy Program
Department of Radiology
Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street, Boston MA 02115

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