[Insight-developers] problem with ProcessObject::GenerateOutputInformtion()

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Tue Nov 28 05:45:36 EST 2000

Hi Lydia -

Good catch. I'm curious (as an aside), does

>When the input and output images are of different types
>CopyInformation() causes an access violation in VC++.

an exception get thrown, and are you trying to catch it?
Also, the images are different in the sense that they are of
different dimension, is this correct?

>This suggest that if filter has different input and output
>types we need to override the GenerateOutputInformation().

If I understand you correctly, I like what you're saying. I'm wondering
if the CopyInformation() shouldn't be eliminated all together? It seems to
be a dangerous method with its dynamic cast.

We could create a GenerateOutputInformation in itkFilterImageToImage and 
FilterMeshToMesh which would probably work for most cases, and then 
override it if the filter changes output.


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