[Insight-developers] Testing infrastructure

Daniel J. Blezek, Ph.D. blezek@crd.ge.com
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 17:49:16 -0400 (EDT)


  I'm beginning to put the Insight testing framework into place, and would
like to solicit opinions on how/what/when to test in the framework.  I
suggest that you send me privately your brainstorms, and I'll post a
synopsis later.

  What I'm looking for is input on code testing, rather than algorithm
validation(that is coming, but not in this iteration).  Current ideas

Night testing
Continuous testing
If you can compile/test Insight, you shold be able to sumbit your results
Code coverage
Style check
Memory leak checking
PrintSelf checks
Pipeline/Class operation in a limited memory situation


Daniel Blezek, Ph.D.
Visual Information Program
Electronic Systems Lab
GE Corporate Research & Development