[Insight-developers] possible tcon topics

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Thu Oct 26 14:14:25 EDT 2000

Hi Lydia-

At 10:27 AM 10/26/00 -0700, Lydia Ng wrote:

>1) For one of my algorithms I am making use of
>the STL priority_queue (in <queue>) and
>the STL sort function (in <algorithm>).
>I know these work for VC++. Do they exist for gcc?
>Are they robust/stable?
>Should we be using a subset of the STL or can we use the whole library?

My understanding is that we are supporting three compilers: gcc, MSVC, and the SGI compiler.
Code that is checked in should compile on all of these compilers. Once the GE folks get the
quality dashboard up (which I believe is imminent), you'll be able to see the results of compilation
on systems that you may not have.

Aside: the biggest headache we are seeing now is that MSVC does not support partial
specialization. Code has been checked in recently that built fine on the SGI, but fails
miserably on MSVC.

>3) Can we use filters within the operation of a filter?
>Are there any major issues with doing things this way?

Yes, it's generally not to bad. You may or may not have to forward
messages from the current filter to the internal filters. What is typical
is to set the input of the internal filter, and then invoke Update() on it.


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