[Insight-developers] LaTeX style for Documentation

Luis Ibanez ibanez@cs.unc.edu
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 21:51:18 -0400

According to the Tcon discussion concerning documentation,
Doxygen doesn't seems to be the appropiated tool developing
the manuals/guides books.

More control can be gained over the formatting by writting
directly on LaTeX. 

One of the best documentations on LaTeX is the one developed
for Python (http://www.python.org). Using their style files
a proposed set of LaTeX style files has been created for Insight.

They have been checked in:

    InsightDocuments/Latex (a new directory)

We can modify the styles for fitting the appearance we decide
to give to the manuals. New macros and commands can be added 
to these files in the future.

Among the relevant files:

InsightManual.cls : style file derived from "book" 

InsightHowto.cls  : style file derived from "report"

Insight.sty       : generic style file plenty of \itk@ commands

License.tex       : the text of the license to be included in
                    other .tex files

Copyright.tex     : copyright text to be included in other
                    .tex files

InsightPaper.sty  : definition of paper size for the manuals

fncychap.sty      : a 'stolen' style for making documents look
                    less like standard LaTeX  :-)

An example of how to use them has been checked in 


- AlgorithmsGuide.tex       :  main file
- ImageIteratorsChapter.tex : description of image iterators
    this file will probaly end up somewhere else, the fact of 
    keeping it in its own chapter simplifies to move it to any 
    other manual. It is \input'ed in the main AlgorithmsGuide.tex 

- NeighborhoodIteratorsChapter.tex : same comment as above

- RegistrationFrameworkChapter.tex : Description of the use of
      the registration framework.

- Makefile :  I guess this one will be replaced by some CMakeList.txt

- some .fig files (from xfig) and their corresponding .eps files.

The resulting AlgorithmsGuide.pdf is also checked in.

An example of a HowTo type of document is under 

- RegistrationHowto.tex  -> pdf 

This are shorter documents with a report style for treating 
a very specific subject.  Don't know if that's a style we want
to follow. They should be like documents of 10 pages explaining
for example how to add a new optimizer to the toolkit.
