[Insight-developers] Obscure g++ error message

Brad King brad.king@kitware.com
Wed, 2 May 2001 17:04:07 -0400 (EDT)

> I am trying to write a test program for a new ResampleImageFilter
> class and am getting a g++ error message that my C++ knowledge is
> insufficient to interpret.  It looks like someone, somewhere is
> declaring `this' to be const, but I can't locate the somewhere or
> someone; it's also possible that I've completely misunderstood the
> problem.  Could anyone interpret this error for me?
When you call a method on an object, the compiler automatically makes the
object the "this" argument to the method.  If your object has a const
qualifier on it, then the "this" argument will also be const.  You cannot
call a non-const method on a const object.

Here is an example:

struct Foo
  // In both methods below, there is a hidden "this" argument which points
  // at the object on which the method was invoked.

  void NormalMethod()
    // The type of the variable "this" is "Foo*", which is read as
    // "Pointer to Foo"

  void ConstMethod() const
    // The type of the variable "this" is "const Foo*", which is read as
    // "Pointer to const Foo"

    // Because the target of the "this" pointer has a const qualifier,
    // we are not allowed to modify the object here.

void f(Foo* foo)
  // "foo" is of type "Pointer to Foo"

  foo->ConstMethod(); // Okay.
  foo->NormalMethod(); // Okay.

void g(const Foo* foo)
  // "foo" is of type "Pointer to const Foo"
  foo->ConstMethod(); // Okay, method is declared "const".

  foo->NormalMethod(); // Error, method is not declared "const".

In the call to NormalMethod() in g(), the error produced will read
something like:
 ERROR: cannot pass object "foo" of type "const Foo*" as "this"
        argument of "Foo::NormalMethod()" without discarding qualifiers.

What this means is you are trying to convert "foo" from type
"const Foo*" to type "Foo*", which removes the "const", and is not

All of the above boils down to this: somewhere you are trying to call a
non-const method on a const object.  Most likely the error is in
at line 113, but since the code uses templates, the real problem may be
somewhere else (where the class was instantiated, for example).
