[Insight-developers] itkRelabelComponentImageFilter

Bill Lorensen wlorens1 at nycap.rr.com
Tue Aug 2 18:30:02 EDT 2005

Jim wrote this class and I remember some issue related to your question. He 
is out of town right now. Let's wait til he gets back...


At 04:36 PM 8/2/2005, Julien Jomier wrote:
>I'm having an issue with the itkRelabelComponentImageFilter.
>Basically if I compile that class with another ITK class that defines 
>ObjectType then I got compiler errors (as expected...)
>The problem comes from the following lines:
>// anonymous namespace to hold a helper object
>struct ObjectType
>   unsigned long m_ObjectNumber;
>   unsigned long m_SizeInPixels;
>   float m_SizeInPhysicalUnits;
>Does anyone see a problem in changing either the name of the structure or 
>the name of the namespace? since this structure is used only by the class 
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