[Insight-developers] cell visitor versus container

Leila baghdadi baghdadi at sickkids.ca
Wed Jun 8 15:37:14 EDT 2005

Hi guys,

I just noticed something I was not aware of before so I am wondering if
anyone could give me any advice,

The class I recently contributed (itkTriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilter)
uses cellContainers to go through cells and this works fine it you
submit a mesh created using (itkRegularSphereMesh)

but my whole of this was to create something like

1. Create Triangle mesh

2. Create Simplex mesh using (itkTriangleMeshToSimplexMeshFilter)

3. Deform mesh

4. Create Triangle mesh using (itkSimplexMeshToTriangleMeshFilter)

5. send itkTriangleMeshToBinaryImageFilter

so at the moment this gets a segfault right when it tries to use
cellcontainers, so does this mean I need to use visitors,

any ideas



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