[Insight-developers] Logging in ITK

Julien Jomier jjomier at cs.unc.edu
Tue Mar 15 17:41:00 EST 2005

Ok, I think I finally got it to compile on Borland...


Brad King wrote:
> Blezek, Daniel J (Research) wrote:
>> Yes, One of the hard things is going to be gcc 2.95, which is our 
>> Solaris compiler.  Many of the errors are in tchar.h
> tchar.h includes <sstream> and <streambuf> which are standard C++ stream 
> library headers.  Back before gcc 3.x the C++ library was distributed 
> separately from GCC.  Therefore some gcc2.95 installations have sstream 
> and some do not.  Either way, the versions that do provide sstream still 
> use old streams and approximate the interface to ostringstream.
> However, lib4cxx seems to be directly using new streams class templates 
> like
> class stringbuf : public std::basic_streambuf<TCHAR>
> and
>   typedef std::basic_string<TCHAR> String;
>   typedef std::basic_ostream<TCHAR> ostream;
>   typedef std::basic_istream<TCHAR> istream;
> in the log4cxx namespace.  An instance of log4cxx::stringbuf is used in 
> log4cxx::StringBuffer which is used all over the place in log4cxx.
> It looks to me like log4cxx is intimately depending on a conforming 
> C++98 streams library.  Since GCC 2.95 does not provide such a library 
> it cannot be supported without re-writing log4cxx::StringBuffer and the 
> rest of tchar.h in terms of old streams.  My guess is that this is 
> non-trivial.
> -Brad

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