[Insight-developers] interrupting filter execution

Paul Koshevoy koshevoy at sci.utah.edu
Fri Jul 21 18:27:30 EDT 2006

Miller, James V (GE, Research) wrote:
> Paul,
> Just realized why I was confused by your solution.  I had started working 
> on this issue a few months ago but hadn't gotten around to testing it on a 
> multiprocessor system. I was doing this just before a release.  I missed the
> release date and never got back to it.  I had similar code already in my
> copy of the ProgressAccumulator.
> However, it turns out that the solution is a bit more complicated that either
> of us initially discovered.  I think where you are having long delays on the 
> abort is due to the abort operation being done on the outer filter and not
> on the inner filter.  So the ProgressAccumulator shouldn't be the one throwing
> the ProcessAbort but rather should be propagating the abort flag to the 
> appropriate inner filter.
> We'll check in the fix on Monday.
> Jim
Thanks Jim. So, is my fix dangerous besides being sub-optimal? Will I
have to wait for the next ITK release to get the correct fix, or is this
a fix confined to ProgressAccumulator so I can backport it into ITK 2.4.1?

BTW, I am still sitting on my code for a more flexible ITK transform
GetInverse API -- allowing the inverse to be of a different type from
the forward transform. I need this functionality in order to support
numeric inverse transform of my bi-variate Legendre polynomial
transform. Is there any interest in accepting this into the ITK? So far,
I've been patching my changes to the 5 affected files by hand every time
I upgrade to a new ITK release.


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