[Insight-developers] associatingan associate editor to the oldcontributions to the insight journal

Stephen R. Aylward Stephen.Aylward at Kitware.com
Mon Nov 13 17:07:33 EST 2006

There is no "minimum" number of reviews "needed" for a paper.

A good paper may be accepted into ITK with only 1 reviewer - if there is 
a clear need for it.   I consider 3 reviews probably sufficient for 
judging a paper.  This is a bit of a gray area.   But we don't want to 
become caught in the mindset that we need X reviews to be "accepted."

Stepping back a bit, this is where the function of the IJ diverges a bit 
from ITK.   There really is no IJ accept/reject category.   We just need 
to make sure papers are treated "well."

For some, being treated "well" may mean that no one is willing to write 
a review - perhaps too many parents have lectured "if you have nothing 
nice to say, then don't say anything."   Nevertheless, all papers should 
have an AE and assigned reviewers.  However, unlike in a closed review 
process, in an open review process not having a review says something - 
Gaetan is right in that we need to make sure the ones that have no 
comments deserve no comments :)  I don't think that assumption is 
correct right now - some good papers deserve comments.


Sayan Pathak wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> Is there a set minimum number of reviews that are needed currently before deeming a contribution accepted/rejected?
> Sayan 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: insight-developers-bounces+sayanp=alleninstitute.org at itk.org [mailto:insight-developers-bounces+sayanp=alleninstitute.org at itk.org] On Behalf Of Stephen R. Aylward
> Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 1:36 PM
> To: Gaëtan Lehmann
> Cc: insight-developers at itk.org
> Subject: Re: [Insight-developers] associatingan associate editor to the oldcontributions to the insight journal
> Hi Gaetan,
> Great idea, and thanks for the help with getting reviews.   Many of 
> ya'll have been doing an outstanding job.
> Gaetan - I will take on being and assigning AE's to the papers in the 
> current issue that have been missed.   Would you be willing to do the AE 
> assignments for the papers in the 2005 August-December issue?
> ***  Any volunteers to find AE's for the papers in the 2006 January-June 
> issue?
> Stephen
> Gaëtan Lehmann wrote:
>>Two of the associate editors I have chosen have posted their review.  
>>That's very nice :-)
>>Thanks again to them :-)
>>There is still lot of old contributions to the insight journal which  
>>should have much reviews, and which have no associate editor.
>>What do you think about associating a associate editor to all the old  
>>contributions now, so they can get some reviews in the next weeks ?

Stephen R. Aylward, Ph.D.
Chief Medical Scientist
Kitware, Inc. - Chapel Hill Office
Phone: (518)371-3971 x300

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