[Insight-developers] using swig to wrap ITK - a summary of the tcon (and a little much)

Gaëtan Lehmann gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr
Sun Nov 19 11:36:09 EST 2006

Le Sun, 19 Nov 2006 05:06:17 +0100, Bill Hoffman  
<bill.hoffman at kitware.com> a écrit:

> Gaëtan Lehmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Because I'm not sure how much clear I have been during the tcon, here  
>> is in short what have been said, and also some things I have forgotten:
>> The current wrapping system:
>>  - work on linux and windows with tcl, python and java
>>  - known to have problems on mac os (java, python) and solaris (java)
>>  - the problems detailed in the WrapITK article, including the small  
>> coverage, and inconsistency in wrapped types
>> WrapITK:
>>  - 66% of the filters wrapped
>>  - tcl, python, java
>>  - python typemaps, to be able to use python types rather than simple  
>> itk objects,
>>    like FixedArray, Index, Size, ...
>>  - no typemaps for tcl and java
>>  - lacks some custom classes from the previous wrapping system in java  
>> and tcl
>>  - tested on linux, mac os, and recently, solaris
>>  - still lots of problems with windows (especially with java), even if  
>> some users have reported using it on that plateform (msvc 7.1 only I  
>> think)
>> What will be better with swig:
>>  - a lot easier to customize
>>  - build with python 2.5
>>  - should help to fix problems with very long file names
>>  - may help to fix build caused by too big generated c++ files
>>  - no need to maintain a branch of swig
>> WrapITK with swig status:
>>  - swig is still not able to read ITK headers - they still need to be  
>> read by gccxml. The output of gccxml is converted to a swig interface  
>> with igenerator.py
>>  - python only
>>  - made on mac os
>>  - all currently wrapped itk classes builds with swig
>>  - no customization from the current wrapitk, like typemaps
>>  - but some other customizations, like vector support
>>  - no cmake configurations support
>>  - based on cableidx and pygccxml, so need python to build
>>  - problems with cmake dependencies
>>  - don't group the groups in a few shared modules
>>  - no template with dict interface
>>  - require pygccxml cvs and swig cvs because some bugs have been fixed  
>> while working on wrapping ITK with swig
>>  - only a few changes have been made (to respect the wrapping order  
>> imposed by swig) in the WrapITK/Modules directory
>>  - roughly, igenerator.py have took about 2 days of work, modifying  
>> WrapITK have took 1 day. The bugs above, and a misunderstanding of  
>> pygccxml query interface took me one more day
>> What need to be done (* mark for what I need help), in the order I  
>> think it should be done:
>>  - fix the cmake dependencies *
>>  - add the customizations
>>    - basic types like std::string, std::exception, ...
>>    - typemaps currently in WrapITK
>>    - PyCommand, PyImageToImageFilter
>>  - fix the dict interface for the templates
>> (at that point, the current python tests should all pass on unix-like  
>> systems)
>>  - support cmake configurations
>>  - make it work on all the systems, and submit daily tests for all  
>> those systems on the dashboard *
>>  - add support for java (*?)
>>  - add support for tcl and the customizations from the current wrapper  
>> (TkImageViewer2D, TclCommand, ...) *
>>  - more python customizations: __getitem__(), __len__(), __str__(), ...  
>> like in the current optional patch
>>  - recode igenerator.py in c++ to no more use pygccxml (igenerator.py  
>> is attached for the ones who want to have an idea of the work to do) *
>> (the following items are too be done later)
>>  - better filter coverage *
>>  - support more languages
>>  - ...
>> What still remain to decide:
>>  - when switch to swig (I think it's clear that the switch is a good  
>> thing)
>>  - who can/want to work on the the items marked with a "*" in the "What  
>> need to be done" section above (any help is welcome for the other items  
>> too :-)
>>  - how to proceed:
>>    - fix WrapITK with cableswig on windows, or switch first to swig,  
>> and make sure it builds on windows after that
>>    - create a new cvs branch or a new cvs check out
>> Gaetan
> I think that generation of swig .i files is the right way to go.   Using  
> the cable part of CableSwig it should be easy to do.
> Cable is basically a c++ class description library that can be populated  
> by reading the xml output by gccxml.
> That said, before moving forward, I think that a key proof of concept  
> demo needs to be done with swig.i files.
> By hand or generated, we need to see working swig .i files that wrap   
> several classes that inherit from each
> other but are in different libraries.  We need to see how the import and  
> module stuff will be handled in the swig
> .i files.   The demo should be something like this:
> module A  (classes A B wrapped)
> module B ( classes C  D wrapped)
> module C (classes E F wrapped)
> With inheritance going across the module boundaries and member functions  
> that reference classes
> that go across the module boundaries.   (by modules I mean shared  
> libraries .so or .dll on windows.)
> Then the example should be done in all the target languages (java, tcl,  
> python) on all the target platforms
> (windows, linux, osx).  This should not be a complicated thing to do for  
> a swig expert.   (I am BTW, not
> a swig expert).   Once this proof of concept is working, then we can  
> worry about auto-generating it with
> gccxml.  Before this has been done, and we know it works, it is not  
> worth discussing this as an option
> IMO.


   It works with python !

And better, it works for all the classes currently wrapped in WrapITK, not  
only 2 or 3 classes partially wrapped, and even better, it's already  
automatically generated !
All the classes are wrapped in different modules, so when I use a median  
filter, it imports all the modules with the superclasses.
A example of a test I have just run, with :

   import itkImageFileReaderPython
   import itkMedianImageFilterPython
   reader = itkImageFileReaderPython.itkImageFileReaderIUS2_New()
   median = itkMedianImageFilterPython.itkMedianImageFilterIUS2IUS2.New()
   import itkImageFileWriterPython
   writer = itkImageFileWriterPython.itkImageFileWriterIUS2_New()
   import itkGrayscaleFillholeImageFilterPython
   fillhole =  
   import itkRescaleIntensityImageFilterPython
   rescale =  

python is nice enough to tell us how many modules we have:

   21> len([a for a in sys.modules if a.startswith("itk") or  
   21> 79

Is that enough modules for you ?

But I will NOT make it work in tcl and java, until I'm sure it will be  
used, simply because I know nearly nothing in tcl, and I'm not used to  
wrap classes in java. I will NOT make it work on windows by myself,  
because I don't have windows, because I never have used a microsoft  
compiler, because that's something new to learn and my time is limited.

Also, the work done here is done on my free time - I also have a familly  
life, and a work to do.
And like you, I'm not a swig expert - I'm just a guy who try to make  
things work.

> CableSwig does some tricks on the internals of swig as it runs right now  
> making all of this work.

Again: which tricks ??

I'm still waiting for a reply about my last question: why grouping the  
swig modules, like itkImageToImageFilter, itkImage, ..., in bigger  
modules, like ITKCommonA ?

I can't understand why the communication is so difficult. Perhaps that's  
because all the communications are done by email ? I'm not sure, but  
that's for this reason I joined the tcon last friday - and believe it,  
that's a huge effort for me.
It would have be nice to disscuss about that during this tcon.

> I do not know how to do those same things in a swig .i file.  I suspect  
> that it will work, but until
> I see it, I would not be willing to make any commitments to this effort.

You know that making WrapITK work with all those systems is difficult. You  
know that make WrapITK work with all those languages is difficult. I will  
not make that alone.
If I'm alone, I stop the tcl and java parts, I take care of gcc on linux  
and my mac, I stop taking care of the cmake configurations, I stop  
writting mails to this mailing list (it should save me lot of time, and  
some frustration for all the mails without answer). If I'm alone, I move  
back WrapITK to its darcs repository on my server, and continue to develop  
it alone on my side, with a better versionning tool, without being afraid  
of breaking things I shouldn't.


Gaëtan Lehmann
Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09

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