[Insight-developers] orientation

Michael Halle mhalle at bwh.harvard.edu
Fri Aug 8 14:41:40 EDT 2008

I would propose that if you're really going to rethink orientation, you 
might use the named coordinate space idea we've bopped around as part of 
NA-MIC/Slicer for some time now.  This step would be very useful for 
those of us interested in using ITK outside of medicine, but it's also 
good for more complex medical imaging problems as well.

At a very high level:

* Every image can potentially be interpreted in multiple coordinate 
spaces, most of which are domain- or application-specific.  These spaces 
are usually easy for people to name (think, "strings" or "constants").

* Transforms describe the relationship between coordinate spaces.

* Image readers have the domain knowledge to instance coordinate spaces 
and the transforms that relate them. DICOM readers, for example, may 
know about multiple coordinate spaces after reading a stream, and can 
instance those coordinate spaces and transforms accordingly.  This 
property allows domain-specific knowledge to be encapsulated at the IO 
level, keeping it out of the ITK core.

* For sample-based images, at least one transform (or chain of 
transform) needs to relate the image's pixel coordinate space to the 
other coordinate spaces.  Continuous fields and interpolated images must 
similarly have some transform into their field value coordinate space.

* Different medical/scientific domains may define their own set of 
standard spaces.  The examples here (gross anatomical orientation, RAS 
space) are standard medical ones.  Other fields have other conventions. 
There's a limit to how much you can shoehorn these conventions together.

* Some transforms may need to have specific numeric implementations for 
efficiency (a direction cosine implementation, for example).

* In almost all cases, there is no single world coordinate space, only 
relative or shared coordinate spaces.  The assumption of a world 
coordinate space is often misleading and potentially dangerous.

* Registration algorithms provide transforms that relate the coordinate 
spaces of different images.  This transform may be exact or approximate. 
  Another way to think about registration is that it defines a new 
coordinate space (a "registration coordinate space") and relates one or 
more image coordinate spaces to that space.

* Coordinate spaces may have other properties: numerical accuracy, for 
example.  Registration coordinate spaces, for instance, are natural 
places to store numerical error bounds associated with the registration 

* Computers are better than people at managing the complex relationships 
between multiple coordinate spaces.  Getting transform chains right is 
hard.  It's much easier for people to figure out simple transforms, then 
ask, "give me the transform that takes me from pixel space of image X to 
pixel space of image Y using the registration space R".

Yes, it might be hard to retrofit this structure into ITK with 
compatibility.  The model is clean and general though, so with any luck 
it should be possible to solve the orientation and transform problems 
once and for all.


Torsten Rohlfing wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> While I won't claim I fully understand the current status quo in ITK, I
> have a comment regarding Kent's list of options:
>> There's three concepts that collide when it comes to orientation. In order
>> to form a more perfect ITK, need to be considered.
>> 1. Gross anatomical orientation -- you want to compare two volumes, one
>> acquired head first, and another feet first.  This is addressed by
>> * itk::SpatialOrientation (defines all 48 possible orientations)
>> * itk::SpatialOrientationAdapter (converts between spatial oriention codes
>> and direction cosines)
>> * Direction cosines (orientation info recovered from image files is
>> converted and stored therein)
>> 2. Actual orientation ‹ the orientation info recovered can be from oblique
>> scans and it is stored in direction cosines.  This conflicts (somewhat) with
>> concept #1, in that going from the actual orientation to the gross
>> anatomical orientation squares up the direction cosines and loses the
>> rotational information.
>> 3. General spatial transforms, addressed by itk::Transform and it¹s
>> children.  These are what are used by Registration and SpatialObjects to
>> move anatomy or geometry around.
> For what it's worth, I recently had to reconcile options #1 and #2 in my
> own library, and I thought I'd share my experience. To be very clear:
> what I am going to say relates ONLY to my own software, which is
> completely separate from ITK.
> Historically, I have been following Option #1 above, then added Option
> #2 for non-human images (bees don't live in RAS etc. space), but
> recently needed to support direction cosines also for human data (from
> DICOM). Obviously, I didn't want to break compatibility with
> registrations computed over the past 10 years, so it was important to
> come up with an implementation that achieves that.
> So here's what I did, based on the space abstraction laid out by Gordon
> Kindlman in the Nrrd file format specification.
> All images are read living in some physical space. For DICOM, that's
> LPS. For Nrrd, it's what's in the Nrrd "space:" field. For Analyze, it's
> whatever the Analyze orientation field is supposed to mean in my reading
> of the file format documentation.
> My software uses RAS coordinates for all images internally.
> Historically, everything was reoriented into RAS, i.e., for (i,j,k)
> pixel index, i after reorientation increases from L to R.
> Now -- here's the workflow when I read an image:
> 1. image data is read as stored in file, and coordinate space is set as
> described above. Direction cosines are taken from input if they exist
> (DICOM, Nrrd), or initialized as identity matrix (Analyze). Basically,
> for the Analyze case, I am faking the anatomical orientation to be
> identical to the space definition.
> 2. coordinate space is changed to RAS. That does not affect the storage
> order of image pixels, but it changes the direction cosines by
> permutation and negation. As an example, "LPS" to "RAS" means x becomes
> -x, y becomes -y, and z stays z. This also applies to the coordinate
> space origin. Different example: "ARS" to "RAS" means first and second
> direction vector are exchanged.
> 3. determine coarse anatomical orientation of image from direction
> vectors and coordinate space (the latter now RAS). Based on this,
> reorient image so that pixel storage is (i,j,k)<=>(L/R,P/A,I/S).
> Direction cosines and space origin are modified accordingly so that the
> every pixel remains in the same physical position. That means
> permutation of direction vectors, negation of direction vectors plus
> adding offset to space origin that corresponds to opposite end of image
> w.r.t. given index.
> After these steps, the image lives in RAS space, is coaresly stored in
> RAS order, but has the same physical space coordinates for each pixel as
> was stored in the original image file, i.e., all physical space
> transformations between two images remain correct (when taking into
> consideration that space axes may have been negated in step 2.
> When images are written to a file, the procedure is repeated in reverse
> order. For that, each image object has meta information that stores its
> original coordinate space and storage order, so the original order and
> space can be recovered. The original direction cosines are also
> recovered in the process.
> I am not saying this whole, slightly messy, procedure would be a good
> idea for ITK, but it seems to reconcile Options #1 and #2 on Kent's
> list, and it's working for me.
> Best,
>   Torsten

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