[Insight-developers] Test framework

Blezek, Daniel J. Blezek.Daniel at mayo.edu
Tue Dec 30 12:48:42 EST 2008

Hi Luis,

A)  No, Google doesn't use CMake as yet.  The snippit of CMake code is
at the beginning of the GoogleTest section of the Wiki page:
http://www.itk.org/Wiki/Proposals:Increasing_ITK_Code_Coverage  I didn't
modify the source, nor need to configure any include files. 

B) I missed the part about VS 7.  We have a license for VS 6 and on, but
no one uses it (except of course Bill?!?).


-----Original Message-----
From: Luis Ibanez [mailto:luis.ibanez at kitware.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:16 AM
To: Blezek, Daniel J.
Cc: Bill Lorensen; Daniel Blezek; insight-developers at itk.org
Subject: Re: [Insight-developers] Test framework

Hi Dan,

Thanks for adding to the Wiki the information on GoogleTest.

Two questions:

A)  You mention that it

          "trivially compiles using CMake without
           configuration or modification. "

     Is that right ?

     I downloaded version: gtest-1.2.1.tar.gz (released Dec 11)
     and couldn't find CMakeLists.txt files in it.

     There are standard configure and scons constructs  in the

     Have you written a CMakeLists.txt file for gtest ?
     If so, could you please share it ? (maybe attach it to
     the Wiki)

B) The README file indicates that in order to build it on
    Windows it requires Visual Studio 7.1 or newer.

    This may actually be a good opportunity for
    singing the Requiem for Visual Studio 6.0 and 7.0.   :-)



Blezek, Daniel J. wrote:
> Yep, it is cool.  We've been using it extensively and I really like
> On reflection, I'm not sure it will be a drop in replacement for the 
> test routines currently in use, without some messing around with the 
> internals.  The framework manages test discovery and execution and 
> leaves it intentionally opaque.  However, a good strategy might be to 
> leave the existing tests in place and start using a new test 
> framework, i.e., make itkCommonTests3 use the new framework.
> I documented our experiences with Google Test on the wiki as you
> suggested:
> http://www.itk.org/Wiki/Proposals:Increasing_ITK_Code_Coverage#Google_
> Te
> st
> Cheers,
> -dan

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