[Insight-developers] 32/64 bits universal builds cause itk test failures.

Mathieu Coursolle mcoursolle at rogue-research.com
Fri Jan 4 14:15:01 EST 2008

In itkRandomImageSource.txx - GenerateThreadedData(...), the random seed is an
unsigned long. The random values can then be different in 32 and 64 bits.

Is there a reason why its unsigned long rather than unsigned int. 
It seems to fix the problem if it is unsigned int.



>The trouble with the failing test is due to the part of the input image
>that is random. The test passes but the regression comparison fails. If
>the same regression error appears from day-to-day we can check in a
>second regression image. Don't bother spending time on this one. I'll
>monitor the regression error for a few days. If it remains the same,
>I'll let you know how to check in a second regression image.
>On Jan 4, 2008 9:19 AM, Mathieu Coursolle <mcoursolle at rogue-
>research.com> wrote:
>I commited a fix too. The size of long is now set explicitly in the configure
>file for APPLE, which is needed for universal builds. 
>In tif_fax3.c, the SIZEOF_LONG is use to define the FILL macro. The same
>was used
>in both 32 and 64 bits.
>Thanks for your fix.
>There is now one last failing test on our dashboards:
>< http://www.itk.org/Testing/Sites/RogueResearch4/Mac10.5-InsightBS-dbg/
>The output says "Test passed", but the exit code is failed... 
>I'll take a look at it today.
>>Ooops, I just checked in a fix. Can yo0u try it?
>>On Jan 3, 2008 3:18 PM, Mathieu Coursolle < mcoursolle at rogue-research.com
>>> wrote:
>>I am testing a fix for the TIF right now. Same kind has for the Nrrd one.
>>In the config file, I am setting the size if APPLE is defined.
>>>I think the tiff is a long problem in TIFFImageIO. I found similar
>>>problems in BMP.
>>>On Jan 3, 2008 1:53 PM, Sean McBride < sean at rogue-research.com > wrote:
>>>On 1/3/08 1:21 PM, Bill Lorensen said:
>>>>As you probably noticed, I fixed the nrrd configure problem. It's a
>>>>combination of the things we talked about. 
>>>Yes, thank you!
>>>>I have not closed the bug:
>>>> http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=5904yet until you guys agree
>>>>that it's working.
>>>Mathieu is giving it a look...
>>>>Oh, I also found a bug or 2 in itkBMPImageIO.cxx that was also causing a
>>>>failure on the ppc.
>>>Sweet. Any thoughts on why the TIFF tests are failing? It could perhaps be:
>>>< http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=5469 >
>>>For the other failing test, I have increased the timeout once again.
>>>Sean McBride, B. Eng sean at rogue-research.com
>>>Rogue Research www.rogue-research.com
>>>Mac Software Developer Montréal, Québec, Canada 

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