[Insight-developers] GDCM 2.x [was CMake Flag to make itk::Image behave like itk::OrientedImage]

Stephen Aylward Stephen.Aylward at Kitware.com
Mon Sep 15 12:19:58 EDT 2008

Thanks Mathieu!

> Unless anyone feel this is still wrong, I'll implement the patch that
> -behind the scene- detect GDCM version and use GDCM 2.x new
> functionality to read DICOM if GDCM 2.x is installed on the target
> system. AFAIK this is not breaking the API.

I think it is a great idea.

> VS6 issue still pending...

I personally think we should drop vs6 for future versions.   My
understanding is that some people have VS6-specific code that is part
of, for example, an FDA-approved product, so they must stick with VS6
- but if it is FDA approved, they shouldn't be upgrading ITK.

Regardless, however, ITK policy is to maintain vs6 support.   It
should be a major effort to change vs6 support or any other aspect of
ITK policy.   Perhaps this should be an ISC board vote.   Probably
should do a user survey.

Volunteers for conducting a user survey?   Would have to make sure the
survey is defined fairly - not certain an email to the users lists is
sufficient.   Not certain how to do it well at this time...


> --
> Mathieu

Stephen R. Aylward, Ph.D.
Chief Medical Scientist
Kitware, Inc. - North Carolina Office
(518) 371-3971 x300

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