[Insight-developers] reading 3D tiff (/dcm pair Mevis)

Rashindra Manniesing r.manniesing at erasmusmc.nl
Fri Sep 19 03:21:29 EDT 2008

Dear all,


I am interested in extending the itk imageIO factor to support the (Mevis)
dcm/tiff file format (3D).


It seems that the current tiff fileformat only supports 2D files. However,
since ITK uses libtiff, it should be easy to extend to 3D.


My questions:


-          the current libtiff version in itk does not seem to be the most
recent one. Can we expect an update in the near future?

-          Same question for gdcm

-          Who is managing these libraries in itk, perhaps we can
communicate directly.



A possibility, as single user, is to simply use external libraries (setting
with cmake), but I suppose updating to the latest versions of these packages
would be beneficial for the general audience,


Best regards,


Rashindra Manniesing.



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