[Insight-developers] ScalarChanAndVese LevelSet tests failing

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Thu May 14 11:50:45 EDT 2009


The Borland build was reporting numerical errors on the two
ChanAndVese level set tests. I tracked it down to the RIO filter used
in the Initialize() method of the two filters. The size of the region
was (0,0). This is because the image does not exist when the
SetLevelSet method is called in the test. The reader that provides the
level set is never updated.

I fixed the tests by updating the reader before apply the SetLevelSet
method, but this is not the best fix. The filter should make sure
these images are up-to-date.

However, the Sparse test is still failing with a floating point
overflow. CalculateUpdateValues is returning a large 1.e23 value. The
change argument is 1.e24. That's about all the help I can provide.

Also, the ADD_TEST commands were a bit messed up.


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