[Insight-developers] 3.20 Maint branch

Brad King brad.king at kitware.com
Mon Aug 9 14:11:03 EDT 2010

On 08/09/2010 02:02 PM, Bradley Lowekamp wrote:
> To run a maintenance "release" dashboard would just me a matter of
> setting the "dashboard_git_branch" variable to "release" in the
> dashboard script?

Yes, but only if the source tree does not exist.  That variable is
for the default branch used if there is no existing clone.  Otherwise
each maintainer that wants to run one needs to ensure his/her source
tree is already on a local "release" branch that tracks "origin/release".

Unfortunately it is difficult to set this up automatically.  There are
just too many possible starting states.  The only safe ways to ensure we
are on the right branch will also prevent us from reporting proper updates
because the script will just reset to the latest version every time before
ctest_update() even runs.


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