[Insight-developers] Roll-call of ITK Regression Tests that crash if Floating Point Exceptions are turned on.

kent williams norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
Fri Oct 29 18:13:38 EDT 2010

I guess I can log a bug for each, and then try and fix them myself, but
there are more than I can probably handle by myself, and having just spent
an hour in GDB trying to figure just one out, I could be at it quite some

THE GOOD NEWS -- there are 5 'real' issues -- I've fixed one, Bill Lorensen
has fixed a second, leaving 3 real problems that need addressing.

THE BAD NEWS -- The NRRD reader is insane. It calls a function called
airSanity before it does anything useful, and the first thing that function
does is to compute DBL_MAX cubed.  The NRRD reader is incompatible with
numeric exception checking -- on purpose!

This patch fixes the numeric exception:

diff --git a/Utilities/NrrdIO/simple.c b/Utilities/NrrdIO/simple.c
index e716cd6..c37d2e0 100644
--- a/Utilities/NrrdIO/simple.c
+++ b/Utilities/NrrdIO/simple.c
@@ -1348,7 +1348,8 @@ nrrdSanity(void) {
     return 1;
-  aret = airSanity();
+  // aret = airSanity();
+  aret = airInsane_not;
   if (aret != airInsane_not) {
     if (airInsane_32Bit == aret) {
       biffAddf(NRRD, "%s: (sizeof(size_t) == %u, not %u)", me,

    146 - itkSampleToHistogramFilterTest7 (OTHER_FAULT) -- I started looking
at this one, and it basically should have never worked.  It falls afoul of
mixed float/int calculations and ends up overflowing integer vectors all
over the place.

    287 - itkColorTableTest (OTHER_FAULT) -- Bill Lorensen has a fix for
this one, not yet pushed to master.

    987 - itkQuadEdgeMeshNormalFilterTest (OTHER_FAULT) -- first fails
trying to compute acos(220)


  498 - itkVectorImageTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1070 - itkNrrdImageIOTest1 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1071 - itkNrrdImageIOTest2 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1089 - itkVectorImageReadWriteTest2 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1091 - itkSymmetricSecondRankTensorImageReadTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1099 - itkImageFileWriterTest2_1 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1104 - itkImageFileReaderDimensionsTest_NRRD (OTHER_FAULT)
    1107 - itkImageFileReaderStreamingTest_3 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1110 - itkImageFileWriterStreamingPastingCompressingTest_NRR D
    1111 - itkImageFileWriterStreamingPastingCompressingTest_NHDR
    1231 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest1 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1232 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest2 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1233 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest3 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1234 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest4 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1235 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest5 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1236 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest6 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1237 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest7 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1238 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest8 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1239 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest9 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1240 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest10 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1241 - itkNrrdImageReadWriteTest11 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1242 - itkNrrdRGBImageReadWriteTest0 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1243 - itkNrrdRGBImageReadWriteTest1 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1244 - itkNrrdRGBImageReadWriteTest2 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1245 - itkNrrdRGBAImageReadWriteTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1246 - itkNrrdDiffusionTensor3DImageReadTest1 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1247 - itkNrrdDiffusionTensor3DImageReadTest2 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1248 - itkNrrdDiffusionTensor3DImageReadTest3 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1249 - itkNrrdDiffusionTensor3DImageReadWriteTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1250 - itkNrrdDiffusionTensor3DImageReadWriteTest4 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1251 - itkNrrdDiffusionTensor3DImageReadTensorDoubleWriteTensorDouble
    1252 - itkNrrdComplexImageReadTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1253 - itkNrrdComplexImageReadWriteTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1254 - itkNrrdVectorImageReadTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1255 - itkNrrdVectorImageReadWriteTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1256 - itkNrrdCovariantVectorImageReadTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1257 - itkNrrdCovariantVectorImageReadWriteTest (OTHER_FAULT)
    1262 - itkImageIODirection3DTest05 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1263 - itkImageIODirection3DTest06 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1277 - itkImageIODirection2DTest11 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1278 - itkImageIODirection2DTest12 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1279 - itkImageIODirection2DTest13 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1280 - itkImageIODirection2DTest14 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1281 - itkImageIODirection2DTest15 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1530 - itkGridImageSourceTest1 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1531 - itkGridImageSourceTest2 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1532 - itkGridImageSourceTest3 (OTHER_FAULT)
    1533 - itkGridImageSourceTest4 (OTHER_FAULT)

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