[Insight-developers] FEM framework and Testing/Data (was: Modular ITK Git Question)

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Sun Apr 10 17:59:17 EDT 2011

Hi Vince,

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 8:32 PM, Magnotta, Vincent A
<vincent-magnotta at uiowa.edu> wrote:
> 1) I was unable to get the SetupForDevelopment.sh script to work on my machine. I mentioned this problem at the second ITKv4 meeting and was not able to resolve this problem. To make progress I abandoned trying to make this work. It would be great if there was a web interface like github that we could resolve some of these issues that required e-mail correspondence to change ssh keys, etc. Most of my problems were trying to resolve ssh key problems. At least when I l;ast tried, if the script errored before completion, several aliases were not defined correctly. This made working with git very confusing when trying to following the ITK cheat sheet.

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