[Insight-developers] Going from Non-Streaming to Streaming I/O for a class

Gaëtan Lehmann gaetan.lehmann at jouy.inra.fr
Tue Apr 26 10:23:37 EDT 2011

Le 26 avr. 11 à 15:54, Bradley Lowekamp a écrit :

> If HDF5 can stream read and write for all files the  
> StreamingImageIOBase's implementation should not need to be  
> overridden.
> Implementing streamed reading with compression is more challenging.  
> You don't want to have to decompress large regions just for one  
> pixel. Below you describe a complicated layout for how the  
> compression is done it blocks. Do you plan on implementing streaming  
> with compression? When streaming compressed files do you plan on  
> supporting arbitrary regions, or enlarging them to the compressed  
> block? Will this depend on the type of compression?
> Perhaps disable streaming with compression?


HDF5 library handles the read of an arbitrary region, independently of  
the chuncks used and on the compression.
So this should be quite easy to implement in the ITK ImageIO. The only  
problem will be performance problems, not the coding.

For performance, the chunks used should be smal enough so there is no  
need to read the whole file to extract a smal part.
I think that restricting the chunks to

   SX * SY * 1 * 1 * 1 * ...

is fine. That's what bioformats does, and it works quite well  
(excepted SX and SY are necessarily the size of the image on X and Y).
The problem is to choose SX and SY.
Too small, it would make hdf5 store a lot of chunks, and this may be  
Too big, it would force hdf5 to read a lot of the file while  
streaming, and it may be inefficient.

Maybe some experimentations with

   SX == SY == 256
   SX == SY == 512
   SX == SY == 1024

or other values, would help to make a decision.

>>>> A good thing about HDF5 is that it can handle scatter/gather I/O --
>>>> you
>>>> set up the chunk size, and then you can write the image data all at
>>>> once
>>>> and it divides it into chunks and writes it, optionally compressing
>>>> each
>>>> chunk. Or you can write out a chunk at a time, out of order.
>>>> --
> Kent this sounds very ambitions, and like it could have a lot of  
> very nice features. I would recommend first getting the streamed  
> reading working, then move on to streamed writing. As I believe I am  
> still the only one to have implemented streamed writing, we may need  
> a TCON to discussion the issue.

The HDF5 lib should handle that quite smoothly, so I wouldn't qualify  
that as very ambitious.
But that would be very very useful for sure.


Gaëtan Lehmann
Biologie du Développement et de la Reproduction
INRA de Jouy-en-Josas (France)
tel: +33 1 34 65 29 66    fax: 01 34 65 29 09
http://voxel.jouy.inra.fr  http://www.itk.org
http://www.mandriva.org  http://www.bepo.fr

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