[Insight-developers] VectorConnectedComponent filter?

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Wed Dec 28 08:33:08 EST 2011


I am have wrapped the VectorConnectdComponentImageFilter for SimpleITK. However, I am unable to figure how this filter would be useful and what a good example test would be for it. Here is the doxygen page:


This filter expect the input vector's of the image to be normalize. Then it compare neighboring pixel by computing 1-v1 dot v2. I am just wondering what the use case is for this filter. Perhaps some diffusion images? And if some one has a good test image for input to this filter? 

Related to this filter requiring normalized vector's in the input image. We don't have a filter to normalize the vectors in an image. This should be simple enough to do with a functor based filter. Just wondering if other people think this is an needed missing filter, because it makes generating a synthetic input image for this filter rather tedious.


Bradley Lowekamp  
Medical Science and Computing for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine 
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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