[Insight-developers] ITKApps and ITKv4 first pass

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 13:59:24 EST 2011


I just completed a pass through ITKApps to port it to ITKv4. It was
quite informative. The biggest pain was fltk since they have several
api changes.

Here is a quick summary. You can see the gerrit changes here:

Prior to that merge, Kent took care of removing obsolete code in IBSRValidation

Many files were using OStringStream. (Needs a migration doc (Brad L))
Some changes for itkColorTable (Needs a migration doc (Kent))
Removed ifdef ITK_USE_REVIEW_STATISTICS for new statistics.
Removed references to itkOrientedImage.
Removed itkBrains2MaskImageIOFactory
Replaced Rigid3DTransform with VersorRigid3DTransform (Needs a
migration doc (Bill))

ENH: Converted to fltk 1.3.x.
This was the most work because of fltk API changes since 1.1.
include <FL/fl_file_chooser.H> -> include <FL/Fl_File_Chooser.H>
fltk_zlib is now fltk_z

ENH: Use ITK_LIBRARIES instead of specific libs.
This is in preparation for itk modularization.

COMP: Properly handle MINGW dllexport/import.
Copied from ITK, prevents lots of link warnings.

To do:
Two apps that use the old statistics need to be converted. The
Statistics migration wiki page was not helpful on these:


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