[Insight-developers] Threading Model already had Deadlock issues

Williams, Norman K norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu
Tue Jul 12 14:06:58 EDT 2011

Well obviously, you should have the main thread only wait for the threads
that are actually spawned ;-)

But it looks like what's happening is that it's possible for a thread to
spawn, but not find any work to do, and terminate.  That's a minor
inefficiency but not a show stopper.

I am not sold on the barrier paradigm, myself, largely because of the woes
I had porting a program that uses pthread_barrier -- which isn't available
on all pthreads implementation.  Especially since there's a fairly clean

1. Divvy up work into at most MaxThreads chunks, & save chunk count.
2. Start chunk_count - 1 threads that call ThreadedGenerateData.
3. Call ThreadedGenerateData in main program.
4. Wait for chunk_count - 1 threads to exit.

On 7/12/11 12:58 PM, "Daniel Blezek" <Blezek.Daniel at mayo.edu> wrote:

>Hi Kent,
>  ITK (implicitly?) assumes all N threads are running at once in
>ThreadedGenerateData.  If you have a Barrier that waits for N threads, but
>threadId < total, then only N-1 threads will be in ThreadedGenerateData at
>any given time, leading to Deadlock because the last thread will never get
>  We have been working hard not to break this implicit assumption in the
>re-write of ITK's threading, but it looks as though the assumption is
>On 7/12/11 12:52 PM, "Williams, Norman K" <norman-k-williams at uiowa.edu>
>> I don't see what you're saying at all.  This ThreaderCallback gets
>> _IN THE SPAWNED THREAD_ doesn't it?
>> If that's the case, the thread either calls ThreadedGenerateData, or
>> returns, which eventually terminates the thread. The main thread of
>> execution does its own call to ThreadedGenerateData, and then goes into
>> 'thread reaper' loop where it waits for all other threads.
>> I don't see where the deadlock occurs.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.
>> On 7/12/11 12:30 PM, "Bradley Lowekamp" <blowekamp at mail.nih.gov> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been working with Dan trying to change the ITK threading model
>>> use OpenMP. We have been very concerned about potential deadlock
>>> conditions arising around the use of itk::Barrier, or other threading
>>> methodologies to wait for N thread. However, in looking through ITK
>>> current threading model, I also see a large flaw which became apparent
>>> after looking at the following code:
>>> // Callback routine used by the threading library. This routine just
>>> calls
>>> // the ThreadedGenerateData method after setting the correct region for
>>> this
>>> // thread.
>>> template< class TOutputImage >
>>> ImageSource< TOutputImage >
>>> ::ThreaderCallback(void *arg)
>>> {
>>>  ..
>>>  threadId = ( (MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)( arg ) )->ThreadID;
>>>  threadCount = ( (MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)( arg )
>>> )->NumberOfThreads;
>>>  str = (ThreadStruct *)( ( (MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)( arg )
>>> )->UserData );
>>>  // execute the actual method with appropriate output region
>>>  // first find out how many pieces extent can be split into.
>>>  typename TOutputImage::RegionType splitRegion;
>>>  total = str->Filter->SplitRequestedRegion(threadId, threadCount,
>>>                                            splitRegion);
>>>  if ( threadId < total )
>>>    {
>>>    str->Filter->ThreadedGenerateData(splitRegion, threadId);
>>>    }
>>>  // else
>>>  //   {
>>>  //   otherwise don't use this thread. Sometimes the threads dont
>>>  //   break up very well and it is just as efficient to leave a
>>>  //   few threads idle.
>>>  //   }
>>> }
>>> This say that currently, IITK does not guarantee that
>>> ThreadedGenerateData will be executed by N Threads. The default
>>> splits orthogonal to the slowest axis. So if you have more threads then
>>> slices you are already bound for deadlock. Or in more general if S is
>>> number of slices, there will be a not calling thread if (S%N)<N/2, and
>>> again on the right filter bound for deadlock. As N gets bigger this
>>>has a
>>> greater potential to occur.  It's amazing this hasn't been encountered
>>> more frequently.
>>> Brad
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>Daniel Blezek, PhD
>Medical Imaging Informatics Innovation Center
>P 127 or (77) 8 8886
>T 507 538 8886
>E blezek.daniel at mayo.edu
>Mayo Clinic
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