[Insight-developers] FW: Trouble adding data

M Stauffer (V) mstauff at verizon.net
Thu Jul 21 12:18:07 EDT 2011

OK sorry, I got it working. I just found out I have to build ITKData
module to get the data files included in the build dir. Now it works
nicely, great. I wasn't building the whole project, and didn't have
build all modules enabled. If ITKData were always enabled to build,
would it mess up the part that only pulls down data files that are
referenced in tests that are actually built?


>-----Original Message-----
>From: M Stauffer (V) [mailto:mstauff at verizon.net] 
>Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 11:51 AM
>To: ITK-dev-list-mstauff at ver (insight-developers at itk.org)
>Subject: Trouble adding data
>I'm having trouble adding test data using the new method 
>described here:
>But it's not working. After doing all the steps and pushing to 
>gerrit, I don't get the data file in build/ExternalData after 
>configuring with cmake or doing a build of the test driver 
>that references the data.
>Here's what I did:
>Add Core/Common/test/Baseline/outNoInv.mhd (I just grabbed the 
>first tiny file I found for testing)
>Add ref to DATA{Baseline/outNoInv.mhd} in CMakeLists.txt, to a 
>test in ITKCommon1TestDriver
>Run cmake . :
>-- Linked Modules/Core/Common/test/Baseline/outNoInv.mhd.md5 
>to ExternalData MD5/881fc5ee940d84524e03f2a082807a39
>Found md5 file :
>Added files to commit :
>#	new file:   Modules/Core/Common/test/Baseline/outNoInv.mhd.md5
>#	modified:   Modules/Core/Common/test/CMakeLists.txt
>git commit :
>Modules/Core/Common/test/Baseline/outNoInv.mhd.md5: Added 
>content to Git at refs/data/MD5/881fc5ee940d84524e03f2a082807a39
>Modules/Core/Common/test/Baseline/outNoInv.mhd.md5: Added 
>content to local store at 
>Content link 
>Modules/Core/Common/test/Baseline/outNoInv.mhd.md5 -> 
>ls .ExternalData/MD5/ :
>44b09185340eaa8fb031c1ff04f76cdf  881fc5ee940d84524e03f2a082807a39
>git gerrit-push:
>To mstauff at review.source.kitware.com:ITK
>aec2241fe78297c0a597349f01a23a5e8975	[new branch]
>*	HEAD:refs/for/master/TestAddData	[new branch]
>Pushed refs/data and removed local copy:
>  MD5/881fc5ee940d84524e03f2a082807a39
>Change set: http://review.source.kitware.com/#change,2161
>Wait 15 minutes...
>build ITKCommon1TestDriver - no build/ExternalData dir created
>rm CMakeCache.txt
>run ccmake - no build/ExternalData dir created
>build ITKCommon1TestDriver - no build/ExternalData dir created

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