[Insight-developers] CMake questions related to SimpleITK C# wrapping

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Sat Jun 18 15:11:53 EDT 2011

Hello Dan,

Thanks for looking into the C# with simpleITK. SimpleITK should be a exciting and simple way to use ITK when easy of use and rapid prototyping are important along with  the many other benefits is has.

On Jun 18, 2011, at 1:17 AM, Dan Mueller wrote:

> Hi Insight Developers,
> I have found some time here and there to fix/improve SimpleITK C#
> wrapping -- I can now generate SimpleITK C# wrappers on Windows using
> .NET or Mono, and on Linux using Mono.


I think one of the biggest things we are missing for C# is the nightly testing. It looks like I should look into the Mono thing some.

It the build process fully automated with your patch? For some reason I thought there was a step or two that needed to be done by hand?

> However, I still have a number of minor issues for which I need some advice:
> At CMake configure/generate time, I add a custom command (via the
> swig_add_module macro):
>    swig_add_module(SimpleITKCSharpNative csharp SimpleITK.i)
> For various reasons I need to force the output directory:
>    set_target_properties(SimpleITKCSharpNative PROPERTIES
> where CSHARP_BINARY_DIRECTORY =  /SimpleITK/Build/Wrapping/CSharpBinaries
> Under Linux the C# binary is nicely created in:
>    /SimpleITK/Build/Wrapping/CSharpBinaries
> However, under Windows (using Visual Studio 10 generator) the binary
> is created in:
>    /SimpleITK/Build/Wrapping/CSharpBinaries/Release
> (notice the configuration name "Release" at the end).
> Why is $(Configuration) added to the library output path? Can I prevent this?
> (This is not a big deal, but it requires yet another "if (WIN32)"
> check in the CMakeLists.txt which I'd prefer to avoid...)

> 2. Determining the platform in Linux:
> On Windows using Visual Studio generator, there is a VS macro
> $(PlatformShortName) which allows me to detect the platform name (x86
> or x64), eg:
>   add_custom_command(
>    COMMENT "Compiling C# ${type} ${name}"
>    OUTPUT ${name}.${output}
>    ARGS /t:${type} /out:${name}.${output}
> /platform:$(PlatformShortName) ${refs} ${sources} # <<< Use platform
> here
>    DEPENDS "${sources_dep}"
>  )
> Is there an equivalent to $(PlatformShortName) in UNIX make files? How
> can I determine the platform at CMake configuration/generation time
> and/or compile time under Linux?

This sounds like to you need a CMake Guru to help you here. I CC'd David Cole for hopes of a response.

> 3. PixelIDValueEnum is too complex for some parsers/compilers:
> sitkPixelIDValues.h defines the following enum:
>  enum PixelIDValueEnum {
>    sitkUnknown = -1,
>    sitkUInt8 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<uint8_t>
>> ::Result,   // Unsigned 8 bit integer
>    sitkInt8 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<int8_t> >::Result,
>   // Signed 8 bit integer
>    sitkUInt16 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue< BasicPixelID<uint16_t>
>> ::Result, // Unsigned 16 bit integer
>    ...
>  }
> I get a number of strange issues related to the (complex) nature of
> the templated code assigning the enum values.
> These issues are two fold:
> (a) the SWIG parser does not seem to be able to determine the integer
> enum value. Here is the invalid C# code it generates:
>  public enum PixelIDValueEnum {
>    sitkUnknown = -1,
>    sitkUInt8 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue<(BasicPixelID<(uint8_t)>)>::Result,
>    sitkInt8 = PixelIDToPixelIDValue<(BasicPixelID<(int8_t)>)>::Result,
>    ...
>  }
> SWIG should be generating code like this (and does so nicely for other
> simpler SimpleITK enums):
>  public enum PixelIDValueEnum {
>    sitkUnknown = -1,
>    sitkUInt8 = 1,
>    sitkInt8 = 2,
>    ...
>  }
> Fortunately I can turn on "type safe enum" wrapping, which generates
> valid (but not so nice) C# code like this:
>  public sealed class PixelIDValueEnum {
>    public static readonly PixelIDValueEnum sitkUnknown = new
> PixelIDValueEnum("sitkUnknown", SimpleITKPINVOKE.sitkUnknown_get());
>    public static readonly PixelIDValueEnum sitkUInt8 = new
> PixelIDValueEnum("sitkUInt8", SimpleITKPINVOKE.sitkUInt8_get());
>    public static readonly PixelIDValueEnum sitkInt8 = new
> PixelIDValueEnum("sitkInt8", SimpleITKPINVOKE.sitkInt8_get());
>    ...
>  }

I am glad the you have found a work around. While the C++ compiler can figure out the wacky meta-programmed PixelID value at compile time, it just too much for most other tools. Most of the target languages, just have some constant variables or similar structure to represent the PixelIDValueEnum.

If the "type safe enum" is just too "not so nice", I suppose we could create an executable which prints the actual value of the enums. This output could then be fed into SWIG to make a more suitable interface.

> (b) When compiling SimpleITK on Linux, I get lots of warnings stemming
> from PixelIDValueEnum:
> gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4)

OK, most of that was just the instantiation structure of simpleITK's meta programming. I would recommend using an in editor compiler, where it highlights the error message and you can go directly to the cause of the error. Emacs easily does this.

The following is the only actual warning is the block you sent:

> /home/dan/ITK/SimpleITK/Code/Common/sitkMemberFunctionFactory.txx:86:7:
> warning: case value ‘2’ not in enumerated type ‘itk::Image<signed
> char, 3u>::<anonymous enum>’

This is rather unfortunate, and I it's most definitely a false positive. Do you know if there is a warning suppression for this particular message.

It's caused by the usage of the following to define the ImageDimension member for the image classes, ( in ITK ):

#define itkStaticConstMacro(name, type, value) enum { name = value }

( it would be nice is we could just use the static constant feature of C++0x, which has been a compiler extension for a while on many platforms )

And the following code in SimpleITK:

 switch( TImageType::ImageDimension )
      case 3:
        Superclass::m_PFunction3[ pixelID ] = Superclass::BindObject( pfunc, m_ObjectPointer );
      case 2:
        Superclass::m_PFunction2[ pixelID ] = Superclass::BindObject( pfunc, m_ObjectPointer );

Perhaps the following should quiet it:

 switch( int(TImageType::ImageDimension) )

Additionally, there has just been a long topic to fix many warning just pushed to master. We are working on it. However, this particular one is new to me.

> I'm not sure anything can be done to help SWIG or gcc with the
> PixelIDValueEnum complexities, but I thought I should mention it...
> 4. Process for contributing changes:
> I guess this is a question for the SimpleITK people...
> What is the process to contribute these changes? I have cloned the
> SimpleITK.git repository and have made the changes against this. Do I
> simply push them to gerrit for review?

Which repo have you clone? We recently moved the main one from git hub to kitware, but git hub is still a mirror.

Basic info about the repository can be found here:

You should be able to use either gerrit, github, or as a last resort an e-mail patch to contribute.

It depends on what you are most comfortable with. SimpleITK is currently a small development team, so we have not had the opportunity to develop detailed documentation for these procedures.

> 5. SimpleITK stability:
> At the moment there is only one C# example.
> How stable is SimpleITK? Is it stable enough that I can spend some
> time writing more C# examples? Or will things change?

We are planning on taking an alpha tomorrow. I don't expect there to be wild changes in much of the API, just tweaks and what not. Along with expanding to new features.

Writing new Examples woulds very much be appreciated. It is also important that they get executed as test to ensure they remain up to date. Additionally, it would help to ensure the stability of the C# interface.

Please let us know how your experience is using the SImpleITK interface, and you are welcome to join the TCON to provide feedback, which is held on wednesdays at 9:30am EST.

> Thanks in advance for any advice.

Thank you for your contribution!


> Regards, Dan

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