[Insight-developers] Review Triage

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Mon May 2 15:10:43 EDT 2011

Luis and Xiaoxiao,

In preparation for our ITKv4 Review triage tomorrow, I prepared a
spreadsheet of the classes in Review. There are two sheets:
A) Classes with hdl: classes that have a proper citation to the associated
IJ article
B) Classes without hdl: classes that have no citations
  1) I have tracked down the IJ article for many of these. We just need to
add the reference into the .h file
  2) A few classes do not have an IJ article. These are IO classes.
  3) A few classes that I can't classify.

The hdl gives us a starting place for grouping the classes.

Tomorrow I suggest we:

1) Edit the classes in B.1 so that they have the proper IJ citation. Then
move these files to A).
2) Move the IO classes from B) to A).
3) Resolve the provenance for the few remaining in B.3
4) For each IDL grouping in A) assign a Resting Place in ITK or an External
5) Prepare a gerrit review for each IDL grouping. We may need to delay this
because of active gerrit reviews affecting testing CMakeLists.txt files.

This seems doable in a few hours.

I attached the spreadsheet for others to view.

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