[Insight-developers] error retrieving data

M Stauffer (V) mstauff at verizon.net
Wed Nov 9 11:14:35 EST 2011

>> -- Fetching 
>This object does not exist anywhere on our servers, but the file that
>references it does not appear in ITK master either:
> > 
>There is no content link for this file.  Where is the topic 
>that adds it?
>Is it in Gerrit somewhere?

Yes, the topics's in gerrit:
http://review.source.kitware.com/#change,3217. It works to build ITKData
for this change. The trouble is when I build ITDAta in this other
change, that depends on 3217:
http://review.source.kitware.com/#change,3236. That's when it cant' find
the above hash, or any of the data added in change 3217 actually. Maybe
that's a limitation of dependent changesets?


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