[Insight-developers] Reducing the number of targets

Bradley Lowekamp blowekamp at mail.nih.gov
Mon Apr 2 08:49:47 EDT 2012

Currently VS 2010 appears to be having trouble with the number of targets that we have. I was looking over them and I was trying to figure out which ones are really required, and my be sacrificed before requiring testing to examples to be turned off.

Here is some searching:

$ make help | wc -l

$make help |grep \\-all | wc -l

$make help |grep HeaderTest | wc -l

$ make help |grep HeaderTestClean | wc -l

So there are ~868 targets. Then 120 have the form ITKModuleName-all. Then there are the HeaderTest, which each individual module also contains a clean target. I so no reason my all the Clean targets could not be consolidated into one.

I believe that these 344 targets, between the HeaderTest and "-all" targets should be automatically sacrificed before requiring testing or examples to be turned off. While I still need to do the actual experiment to verify that disabling these tests enable VS2010 to work with examples and tests, I am very optimistic.

Anyone else have suggestions on reducing the number of targets or the importance of these targets?


Bradley Lowekamp  
Medical Science and Computing for
Office of High Performance Computing and Communications
National Library of Medicine 
blowekamp at mail.nih.gov

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