[Insight-users] Installation

Luis Ibanez ibanez at choroid.cs.unc.edu
Wed Dec 12 13:59:50 EST 2001

Hi Lydia,

I'm assuming that you are running under Unix (or Linux).

You don't need to log as administrator to install itk.

What you may be experiencing is the installation of CMake.

When you run ./configure for CMake, by default it will select
to be installed in "/usr/local", in that case, when you 
run "make install" you have to be loged as root in order to
be able to write on this directory.

However, you can select to install CMake in other directory,
for that you only need to run ./configure with the option
"--prefix". Something like:

  cd src/CMake
  ./configure --prefix=/home/lydia/myPackages

if you run configure in that way, CMake will be installed in
/home/lydia/myPackages instead of /usr/local

you may see other ./configure options is you make:

  ./configure --help

If you can be root in your machine, it is better to install
CMake under /usr/local.  

If you use any other directory you only need to be sure that 
the directory in which you install CMake is on you binary
path so you can call cmake and CMakeSetup from anywhere.

Hope that helps



On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, lydia ycl wrote:

> Hi Folks
> I'm new in itk, and I have installation problems. Is it
> necessary to log as administrator to install? Because
> I have errors when running CmakeSetup
> Thanks to answer
> _________________________________________________________
> Le journal des abonnés Caramail - http://www.carazine.com

Luis Ibanez                                      CB#:   7060
Research Assistan Professor                      phone: (919) 843 5436
Division of Neurosurgery                         fax:   (919) 966 6627
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill      email: ibanez at cs.unc.edu
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7060                       http://www.cs.unc.edu/~ibanez

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