[Insight-users] dll

Luis Ibanez ibanez at choroid.cs.unc.edu
Thu Dec 13 07:05:45 EST 2001


There are no dll's in itk in the default
setting. Only static libraries are being

You will find the following set


They will be in the 'binary' directory
that you selected with CMakeSetup.

typically in :


(assuming that you selected the 'Debug' option, otherwise
you will find them in subdirectories 'Release' or 'RelMinSize')

You will no find a library for the Algorithms because all
of them are templates. They will be compiled only when you
use them in your application.

A good place to start is to run some of the tests. 

You will notice that there is no visualization or GUI on
the tests. That's completly intentional because all of them
are run automaticaly every night.

The second place to look at is the Insight/Examples directory.
You will find there some programs that are closer to real 
applications. Some of them use the library FLTK for supporting
a portable GUI between Windows and Unix. You can get FLTK
from http://www.fltk.org (the recommended version is 1.0.11).

In order to build the examples you will have to activate
options in CMakeSetup. Look for an item that says:


and set in on. Then click on 'Configure', you will see that
new options appear on red at the top of the item list in 
CMakeSetup. What happens is that when you select ot build
additional parts of the toolkit, you are walking along a
tree-like structure and questions that were not necessary
before became relevant when you activate others (e.g. when y
ou decide to build the examples).

You will be prompted to indicate where did you installed 
FLTK for example. You will also need to activate:


In order to get some GUI helper classes. 

Those files are not really part of the core of itk. 
They are provided more as a guide to show how to integrate
user interface and IO with itk in a fully functional 


As strange as all this may sound, the intention is to
give users all the freedom as how the want to build their
applications. For this reason itk is not imposing any
GUI library or any file format for storing images.

ITK will provide you a layer of filters and algortihms
suitable to be used in a larger setup.


Once you get familiar with the examples, you might
want to start writing your own application. For that
the recommended way is to also use CMake in order
to generate your .dsp and .dsw files.  You could also
do it in the tradicional way, indicating all the paths
and all the compling and linking options but that will
take you longer, you will consume a lot of coffee, your
blood pressure will dangerously increase and with some
luck the final result will be just what you could get
with CMake.

The simple way is to create a CMakeLists.txt file
in the directory where you want to write your application
an in this file invoke the UseITK.cmake file.


Hope that helps



On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, lydia ycl wrote:

> Dear all
> I succeeded to install itk but I found no dll's. There is
> no example to show how to use it? Can you help on this
> matter? I mean how to start??
> Thanks
> ______________________________________________________
> Boîte aux lettres - Caramail - http://www.caramail.com

Luis Ibanez                                      CB#:   7060
Research Assistan Professor                      phone: (919) 843 5436
Division of Neurosurgery                         fax:   (919) 966 6627
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill      email: ibanez at cs.unc.edu
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7060                       http://www.cs.unc.edu/~ibanez

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