[Insight-users] Compiling ITK with MIPSPro (CC) compiler under IRIX 6.5

Luis Ibanez ibanez at cs.unc.edu
Mon Nov 5 18:48:33 EST 2001

Hi Nils,

You can replace <cstring> by <string.h> which
is the C-Like equivalent.

Could you please signal which file was including 
<cstring> so we can fix that in the repository.
We are building ITK on SGI's so that should work
pretty well. 

Please let us know if this include change works
for you or not.




> Nils Hanßen wrote:
> Hi all,
> i want to compile ITK with the MIPSPro compiler (version but
> have some problems with a missing include file (i dont know if there
> will be more problems with other files...).
> However, CC tries to include the <cstring> header file which seems to
> be gcc-specific, since it cannot be found in the include-directories
> of CC.
> Does anyone has successfully compiled ITK with CC or has an idea how
> in can get or create a working <cstring> file for CC ?
> Thank you very much in advance !
> Regards,
> Nils
> ----------------------------------
> Nils Hanßen
> Surgical Simulation and Navigation
> research center c a e s a r
> Friedensplatz 16
> 53111 Bonn
> fon: +49-228-9656-247
> fax: +49-228-9656-111
> http://www.caesar.de/ssn

Luis Ibanez                                      CB#:   7060
Research Assistan Professor                      phone: (919) 843 5436
Division of Neurosurgery                         fax:   (919) 966 6627
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill      email:
ibanez at cs.unc.edu
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7060                      

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