[Insight-users] itkVTKImageExport

William A. Hoffman bill.hoffman at kitware.com
Mon Nov 19 08:24:42 EST 2001

That file is only in the cvs version of ITK.

To get the cvs ITK look here:

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at public.kitware.com/cvsroot/Insight login
password: insight

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at public.kitware.com/cvsroot/Insight co Insight

However, please look at the dashboard before updating itk:


You will have the same errors as the ones on the dashboard.


At 10:15 AM 11/19/2001 +0100, Nils Hanßen wrote:
>i would like to connect the itk pipeline with the vtk pipeline. I found 
>the corresponding classes itk::itkVTKImageExport and vtk::VTKImageImport 
>in the documentations.
>However, i couldn't find the source of itk::itkVTKImageExport. (I am using 
>the latest tar-version of itk...).

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