[Insight-users] Re: Thanks Luis

ycl lydia ycllydia@hotmail.com
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 07:52:54 +0000

Now it works, Thank you very much Luis. I'm really sorry for bothering you 
with my problems.

>From: Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez@kitware.com>
>To: ycl lydia <ycllydia@hotmail.com>
>CC: insight-users@public.kitware.com
>Subject: Re: [Insight-users] itkio library
>Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 17:01:50 -0400
>Hi Lydia,
>Thanks for sending the full list of error messages
>that was very helpful.
>I just followed step by step the process that you
>described and could reproduce the problem that you
>reported. It seems that all the problem is related
>with paths and libraries that are missing  in your
>CMakeList.txt file.
>For example, the first error in you compilation can
>be solved by adding:
>to the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES() block in CMakeLists.txt
>I made a set of changes along these lines on the
>CMakeLists.txt file from the GaussianFilter and
>got it to compile, link and run.
>Attached is the modified CMakeLists.txt file with
>which you can make the GaussianFilter example work
>from outside ITK (as an external project).
>Note that it is specifying a lot of directories for
>the INCLUDE paths, the LINK paths and is also listing
>all the libraries required for linking, in particular
>I had to add:
>   ITKNumerics
>   VXLNumerics
>What happens with the examples inside the ITK.dsw is
>that they inherit some of these paths from the global
>ITK settings. When the project is made external you
>have to provide CMake with all the paths (include/link)
>and libraries that your code requires to build.
>Please let us know if this CMakeLists.txt file works
>for you and if the same approach solve the first
>problem you were having with IO.
>   Thanks
>     Luis
>ycl lydia wrote:
>>That's waht I did
>>1. I downloaded itkwinzip file
>>2. I installed it using cmakesetup
>>3. I compiled and linked all the projects inside.
>>1.I copied the gaussian example project outside itk directory
>>2. I built it again using cmakesetup : for the source directory I used
>>the new deirctory of the gaussian filter example.
>>3. I kept the cmakelists file as it is (I think that's the mistake)
>>4. I loded the dsw file and built it and that's the error file I get.
>>it's attached to the massage.
>>I know I should change something inside the cmakelist file but what is it?
># Find ITK
>FIND_PATH( ITK_BINARY_DIR itkConfigure.h )
># Load in the values from ITK if found
>   INCLUDE (${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/itkCMakeOptions.cmake)
>INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindOpenGL.cmake)
>INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindGLU.cmake)
>   wsock32
>   )
>   ${CMAKE_X_LIBS} -lm
>   )
>ADD_EXECUTABLE(GaussianFilter GaussianFilter_SRCS)
>FLTK_WRAP_UI(GaussianFilter GaussianFilter_GUI_SRCS)

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