[Insight-users] gaussian filter example: 2D version ready !

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 16 Apr 2002 17:37:00 -0400

Hi Lydia,

The 2D version of the GaussianFilter example is ready.

Just do a:                   cvs update

It is in the same directory:   Examples/GaussianFilter.

The GUI is largely simplified because less filters are
requiered in 2D.  It can load the following file formats :

1) MetaImages with 2D images inside, (as Stephen already
noted: the MetaImage format support N-Dimensional images.)  

2) PNG (this is extension by defaul in the FLTK file open
     dialog but you can override it by clicking on "All File")

The GUI of the 3D version was simplified a bit also:

- The splash window was removed (the itk logo
                               is now displayed more discretly  :-)

- The menu bar was removed.

In this arrangement you can now see the entire Pipeline
represented on the GUI.

Please let us know if you encounter any problem
with the new version.




ycl lydia wrote:

> Dear Luis,
> It would be really helpful if you create a variant of the example. 
> This will help me in better exploiting and using the GUI for 2D and 3D 
> dsiplys and also the templated classes.
> Thanks
> Lydia