[Insight-users] Converting Image Data to Vector type

Samuel Rodríguez Bescos srodrigu at gbt . tfo . upm . es
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 16:25:12 +0200

Hello Luis,

The anwers for your questions,

1) I want to read a .png image file into a vector image.The problem is that
I'm using the Gibbs filter with a Gaussian estimator and the last one needs
to have the input as vector image. I'm using grey-scales images.

2) For the second question: I'm using the watershed class to segment an
image of a slice of the human abdomen (the liver zone of the human body).
The output is an image with labeled  pixels. I want to create a new image
selecting the pixels that have the same label and the get one object.I think
I can do that with BinaryThresholdImageFunction class. Is it possible?

Thanks for your reply,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Luis Ibanez" <luis.ibanez@kitware.com>
To: "Samuel Rodríguez Bescos" <srodrigu@gbt.tfo.upm.es>
Cc: <insight-users@public.kitware.com>
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Converting Image Data to Vector type

> Hi Samuel,
> Could you please clarify a bit your questions:
> 1) For reading: do you want to read a .png image file into
>     a vector image (image with pixels of type vector) ?
>     or do you want to put a color image into a image whose
>     pixel type is vector ?
>     or you want to read several .png files and put each one
>     in a particular component of the pixel ?
>     If this is the question, you may use ImageAdaptors.
>     An adaptor allows to present an image of one type as if
>     it were an image of another type. In this case you could
>     instantiate an image of type Image< Vector<float,2>, 3 >
>     (a 3D image whose pixels are vectors of 2D) and present
>     this image as if it were a Image< float, 3 > (a 3D image
>     of floats).
> 2)  Your second question is a bit generic. How to label an image
>      with 1's in the object and 0's in the background is subject
>      to the image content. (otherwise ITK will not have any fun !).
>      What kind of image do you want to segment and what is the
>      content on them ?
> Thanks
> Luis
> ============================================================
> Samuel Rodríguez Bescos wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm making a example base in itkGibbs segmentation method  with a
> > Gaussian classifier for grey-scale images.
> >
> > The problem is that I want to read the original image in .png format and
> > I think that It isn't posible template the imageFileReader with a vector
> > class. is it?.
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm thinking in use other segmentation method, but can anybody tell me
> > if there is a class to create a label image with 1's in the pixel of the
> > object and 0 in the other pixels?
> >
> >
> >
> > How can I do to solve these problems?.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks a lot  in Advance.
> >
> >
> >
> > Samuel
> >