[Insight-users] Level-set methods for image segmentation

Vikram Chalana VChalana at dxu . com
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 08:56:02 -0700

I have been using the ITK level set methods for segmentation. The example
under the directory Examples/ShapeDetection is a pretty good example showing
the use of the fast marching algorithm. Also, look for the file
Testing/Algorithms/itkGeodesicActiveContourTest.cxx. This shows how to use
the GeodesicActiveContour class which as an implementation of the Casselles
level-set model for image segmentation. 

Thanks to Josh and Lydia, the ITK level-set framework is a pretty complete
level-set framework and has been quite easy to use. Extending the framework,
however, to add additional terms in the PDE, has not been that easy. 

One desirable addition to the framework would be methods incorporating
region-based terms, such as the models proposed by Chan and Vesae or by


Vikram Chalana, Ph.D.
Diagnostic Ultrasound Corporation
Ph: 425.867.1348 x 5788           Fax: 425.883.2896

On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, Zein Salah wrote:

> Hello all,
> Did anybody use Level-set methods for image segmentation? Is there an exa=
mple already written that does this?
> I will be thakful for any notes or help!!
> Zein