[Insight-users] Re: Other build failures (fwd) : configuring GLUT

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Mon, 02 Dec 2002 08:15:04 -0500

Hi Neil,

The problem is that you are providing
directories to the libraries, while
full filename + path are expected.

For example, GLUT_glut_LIBRARY expects
the full path plus filename to  "libglut"

Please see below the corresponding lines
in a correct CMakeCache.txt file:


Unfortunately the current 'help' messages to this
CMake variables are quite ambiguous.:

  "The place where xxxx library can be found"

Please let us know if you find further problems.




Neil Killeen wrote:


> can you comment on the linker failures and the strange
> ccmake behaviour (expert mode)
> thanks
> neil
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 16:05:41 +1100 (EST)
> From: Neil Killeen <nkilleen@atnf.csiro.au>
> To: insight-users@public.kitware.com
> Subject: Other build failures
> A couple of other build failures I have encounterd
> Examples/DistanceMapFilter
> Examples/DicomImageViewer
> Examples/GaussianFilter
> all fail to link (and some like others).  This is because they require
> -lGLU in the linker command. For some reason the makefiles that have been
> generated do not hold this.  If I build by hand adding -lGLU they are ok.
> To summarize, I am trying  to build ALL of ITK, EXCEPT doxygen things
> and the the things that require Cable/gcc-xml, following Luis explanations
> earlier in the week.  Thus, in ccmake, I have configured  (and now I am
> using a correctly installed fltk)
> BUILD_DOXYGEN                    OFF
> BUILD_EXAMPLES                   ON
> BUILD_SHARED_LIBS                OFF
> BUILD_TESTING                    ON
> FLTK_BASE_LIBRARY                /DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/fltk/fltk-1.1.1/install/lib/libfltk.a
> FLTK_FLUID_EXE                   /DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/fltk/fltk-1.1.1/install/bin/fluid
> FLTK_FORMS_LIBRARY               /DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/fltk/fltk-1.1.1/install/lib/libfltk_forms.a
> FLTK_GL_LIBRARY                  /DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/fltk/fltk-1.1.1/install/lib/libfltk_gl.a
> FLTK_IMAGES_LIBRARY              /DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/fltk/fltk-1.1.1/install/lib/libfltk_images.a
> FLTK_INCLUDE_PATH                /DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/fltk/fltk-1.1.1/install/include
> ITK_DATA_ROOT                    /DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/itk/InsightToolkit-1.0.0/Testing/Data
> ITK_WRAP_TCL                     OFF
> MAKECOMMAND                      /usr/local/gnu/bin/gmake -i
> OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR               /usr/local/gnu/include
> OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY                /usr/local/gnu/lib
> OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY               /usr/local/gnu/lib
> OPENGL_xmesa_INCLUDE_DIR         /usr/local/gnu/include
> SEGMENTER_WRAP_TCL               ON
> SITE                             venice.tip.csiro.au
> USE_BUILT_VTK                    ON
> USE_FLTK                         ON
> USE_FLTK_VERSION_1.0.11          OFF
> USE_FLTK_VERSION_1.1             ON
> USE_VTK                          ON
> VTKITK_WRAP_TCL                  ON
> VTK_BINARY_PATH                  /DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/vtk/VTK
> VTK_WRAP_HINTS                   NOTFOUND
> VW_RAW_DATA_PATH                 NOTFOUND
> X11_INCLUDE_PATH                 /usr/openwin/include/X11
> X11_LIBRARY                      /usr/openwin/lib
> you can see i have ITK_WRAP_TCL off (Cable/gcc-xml), and VTKITK_WRAP_TCL
> on.  I have told it where to look for the GLU library.  The porblem is
> that the makefile for these applications  does include -lGLU
> The CMakeCache.txt file is attached.
> I would have expected that in fact, ccmake should prevent this situation
> arising.  I thought the idea was that it checked for the resources you
> claim exist (e.g. location of libGLU), checked what you have requested
> to build, and if self-consistent, you could generate the makefiles
> and that should guarentee the build should work.
> Thus, if libGLU is required (which it is, but doesn't seem to realise), it
> should have chedked that it exists (which it does where specified) and
> used it appropriately (which it didn't).
> Another thing I don't understand at all about ccmake, is that
> sometimes, when i toggle INTO expert mode ('t') I get a list of almost
> 2 pages (with things like LINKER flags where I could add -lGLU), and
> sometimes I still get a short list, as above (where I cannot add
> -lGLU)  I would like at this point to just stick -lGLU in the linker line
> for all apps, but ccmake expert mode, is presently not offering me that
> option !
> cheers
> Neil