[Insight-users] Visualizing model

Henkjan Huisman henkjan@m14-027.azn.nl
Tue, 5 Feb 2002 15:48:31 +0100 (CET)


I would like to visualize the mesh model when using deformable surface 
methods. I know how to do it in VTK, but how to do that in ITK? Can I 
export the model to VTK as with VTKImageExport? Is there another way?


H.J. Huisman, PhD, MSEE       E : henkjan@radiology.azn.nl
Biomedical Physicist          T : +31 24 3617536/14545
Dept. Radiology               F : +31 24 3540866
UMC St. Radboud               S : 430 Radiologie/POBox 9101/
                                  6500HB Nijmegen/Netherlands