[Insight-users] error in VTKImageIO?

Will Schroeder will.schroeder@kitware.com
Thu, 21 Feb 2002 14:00:23 -0500

Thanks for the report. There are several reader changes that will be added 
into the beta...this will happen by Monday. Try downloading when this 
appears and let me know.

At 10:42 AM 2/21/2002 -0800, Matthias Guenther wrote:
>I changed the code of itkVTKImageIOTest.cxx to write a 3D image into a
>VTK file. In the dimension entry there seems to be a blank missing:
># vtk DataFile Version 3.0
>VTK File Generated by Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit
>I would assume should say:
>DIMENSIONS 32 32 32
>By the way, I have some problems reading a VTK file in binary form. Is
>the reader not finished yet?
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