[Insight-users] Error message when using CMake

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 23:30:50 -0500

Hi Qiu,

It's the error really saying:

   "itlMultivariateLenendrePolynomial"  ?

the name of the file should be :    "itkMultivariateLenendrePolynomial"

All the files in the toolkit start with "itk"

It could be typing accident if you edited the CMakeList.txt file....

Could you please double check this ?

BTW: It shouldn't be necessary to edit CMakeList.txt files.
all the options can be selected from the CMake interface.
Modifying the CMakeList files can be quite confusing...




Qiu Wu wrote:

> Hi,
> I run CMakeSetup in windows 2000 environment,
> now I want to test MRIBiasCorrection example,
> so I tell CMake the source code is in:
> C:\MyDir\Insight\Examples\MRIBiasCorrection
> the output binaries are in :
> C:\MyDir\Insight\Examples\biasBinary
> The error message is:
> CMake Erro: can not find file
> C:/MyDir/Insight/Examples/MRIBiasCorrection/${ITK_SOURCE_DIR}/Code/Numerics/itlMultivariateLenendrePolynomial 
> Tried .cXX .c .M .m .mm .h .txx
> (Press Cancel to suppress any futher messages.)
> I tried several times, but this error message always appeared.
>  Did you anyone experience that error and know how to overcome that ?
>  Regds,
> --Qiu
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