[Insight-users] Problems building ITk librairies

Vincent Daanen Vincent.Daanen@imag.fr
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:23:18 +0100

Hi all ITK users,

I'm currently trying to build itk on an Windows 2000 PC.

I followed the instructions to build Cmake and it succeed.
Then I try to compile itk itself but I ran into troubles.

When compiling ITK.dsw (with VC 6.0), after some compilation, it can't
link because VXLNumerics.lib have not been built  whereas
VXLNumerics.dll exists !

I try to compile VXLNumerics.dsw project and it does not create
VXLNumerics.lib, just

What should I do (change in the project) to create VXLNumerics.lib and
then compile and link
the itk libraries ?


Vincent Daanen,
Research Engineer- Post Doctoral Position
Laboratoire TIMC/IMAG Equipe GMCAO - Université Joseph Fourier - CNRS
UMR 5525
Faculté de Médecine - Domaine de la Merci - 38706 La Tronche cedex -
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 23