[Insight-users] missing file vtkImageStatistics.h
Diego Bordegari
Thu, 31 Jan 2002 18:10:59 -0500
the Examples\MRIRegistration directory in the itk official release I have
contains only the following files:
After your suggestion I decided to download Insight with cvs .
This version has the file Examples\MRIRegistration\tkImageStatistics.h
Thanks again
- Diego
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Lorensen [mailto:wlorens1@nycap.rr.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 5:43 PM
It's not part of vtk. The file should be in Examples/MRIRegistration.
At 02:46 PM 1/31/02 -0500, Diego Bordegari wrote:
>I'm trying to build the MRIRegistration project but the compiler complains
>missing file vtkImageStatistics.h
>included by RegisterAD.cxx
>I browsed the vtk documentation and the above file is not mentioned.
>Where could I get it ?
>Thanks in advance
>- Diego
>( I'm compiling with a version of vtk and itk I downloaded last week )
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