[Insight-users] I might be dumb, but...

Brad King brad . king at kitware . com
Fri, 12 Jul 2002 13:17:53 -0400 (EDT)


> ... I can't get "make install" to work (cmake 1.2 p3, Linux). I do
> ccmake, then "make", then "make install". But all that is installed is
> libitkzlib and libitkpng.

ITK currently does not support an install option.  It is a library
designed to be used by other developers.  It is designed to be used
directly from its build tree.

> BTW: Why are there no config options for using the system zlib and a
> system libpng if available? Why does every project have it's own zlib
> and it's own build system? :-(

The problem is that the system zlib and libpng might be the wrong version
and produce problems we can't duplicate.  Since the libraries are small
and provide functionality that isn't system specific, there is no problem
distributing the correct version with ITK code.
